
2023-09-08 07:20:33   来源:cnwanfangdata.com




       a) 如果你所学专业下没有细分方向,只需提及本科所学专业:

              During my undergraduate studies, I focused on (本科所学专业名称) as my major.

              Alternatively, you can say, "The subject I pursued during my undergraduate studies was (本科所学专业名称)."

       b) 如果你目前是上班族,可以简要介绍你的工作情况:

              Currently, I am employed at (目前就职公司的全名) as a/an (您目前的职位).

       c) 如果你是在校学生,即将获得学位,并计划在研究生阶段继续学习本专业,可以这样说:

              I am on the verge of completing my undergraduate studies at (你就读院校的全名) and obtaining a Bachelor's Degree in (即将获得的本科学位名称). I aspire to further my studies in this field during my graduate studies.


       a) 如果你的家乡是省会城市:

              I hail from (城市), the capital city of (省份).

       b) 如果你的家乡是某个省的大城市:

              I come from (城市), a prominent urban center within (省份).

       c) 如果你的家乡是个美丽的小城镇:

              I originate from (城市), an enchanting town nestled in (省份). It is renowned for its breathtaking landscapes, such as (您家乡的特色美景等).

       d) 如果没有很出名的特色,可以省略此部分。


       a) 如果你曾在某公司实习过:

              I had the valuable opportunity to intern at (实习的公司名称), where I gained practical experience in this field. I exhibited great teamwork and collaboration skills during my time there.

       b) 表达你选择这个学校或专业的原因:

              I made this choice due to several reasons. Firstly, (表述原因1). Secondly, (表述原因2). Lastly, (表述原因3).

       c) 表达贵校拥有卓越的教学设施和研究平台:

              (贵校名称) boasts exceptional teaching facilities dedicated to (您想学的专业) and provides the finest platform for advanced research in this field.



       本科—— undergraduate     研究生——graduatet

       大一新生——freshman       大二学生——sophomore

       大三学生—— junior         大四学生—— senior

       学位——degree             文凭—— diploma

       证书—— certificate          本科学位——bachelor' s degree

       硕士学位——master' s degree  同等学力 an equivalenteducation level


       奖学金—— scholarship      论文—— thesis

       导师—— supervisor         实习生——tintern

       实习期—— internship        兼职——part-time job

       学生会—— students union    学生会主席——president ofthe students union

       干事—— secretary           学生干部—— student leader


关键字:  cnwanfangdata    考研复试    英语常见句式    英语常见词汇   
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